Education is a treasure that will follow it’s owner everywhere.
-Chinese Proverb
Homeschooling has become increasingly popular as an alternative to the mainstream school system. There’s been a sharp uptick in families opting to take the responsibility for their child’s education for many various reasons – and especially since 2020. So, you’ve heard about it. It’s peaked your curiosity. But, you don’t know how to start. As the new school year begins, you realize that existing problems have not improved and the situation might even have deteriorated. You’ve realized that you can’t put off making this decision any longer and the time is now. But – how do you actually start homeschooling? I believe that it’s crucial to your ultimate success in homeschooling to take a moment to consider this decision from a higher perspective so that you can take the first steps thoughtfully and deliberately. Let’s take a brief look into that today.
Understand State Regulations
I know that you’re ready to jump right in and keep your child at home. But first, it’s important to understand your state’s requirements regarding notification, reporting, record keeping and testing. When I finally took the plunge to full-time homeschooling in 2007 after several years of doing it part-time, we were living in the middle east where there were no requirements. That was easy enough. Then we moved to south america where documentation is quite rigorous. I always say: If there’s a will there’s a way. And we were not about to give up our freedom-oriented lifestyle of home education so easily. We did find a route that was acceptable to the government. This is to show you that home education is possible whatever the regulations are. It’s simply a matter of gathering that information and finding a workable solution. For Americans, a great source to start is:
Define Your Purpose and Goals
Next, take some time to really consider what your purpose and goals are for homeschooling. This is the Whys. Take the time to reflect on your reasons for homeschooling.. Envision your child 5 years from now as well as when they reach the age of 18 and is a young adult. Consider the qualities and skills you value as critical. What are your child’s natural talents? Where may he/she be weaker and need extra guidance? This clarity will help navigate your homeschooling journey as well as make informed decisions along the way.
Choose a Methodology
Now that you have a clearer view of where you want to go with your home education, you can more easily assess the various homeschooling methodologies to find one that aligns best with your family’s values and educational philosophy. Such options include classical education, Waldorf, unschooling, project-based, Thomas Jefferson, Charlotte Mason, faith-based, etc. Because homeschooling affords you the complete flexibility to tailor the experience to your child’s interests and needs, feel free to pick and choose certain elements from different methodologies to create your own custom curriculum that resonates with your vision. You’ve chosen to take this big leap, why strictly follow what someone else has put together? Remember to stay flexible and adapt to what life brings your way. Your choices may change over time and that’s perfectly fine. Enjoy the freedom and do it on your terms! This is your experience.
The Transition From Traditional School
If your child has already been in a traditional school setting, consider the concept of de-schooling. This process allows your child time to adjust to the new homeschool routine and mindset. Depending on how many years your child has been in school, this can last anywhere between a few months to even a year. Allow your child to explore what makes them happy and keeps them intrigued. Just knowing that there will be no more mind-numbing worksheets and time-wasting tasks should be enough to thrill even the most reluctant child. They’ll come to embrace the freedom and flexibility of homeschooling.
Embrace The Adventure
Homeschooling is an empowering journey complete with exploration, growth and discovery. Embrace this adventure with an open attitude and a positive mindset. Of course, challenges will arise but if you can view them as learning opportunities you and your child will come out the other side stronger. Think of these potential obstacles as opportunities to solve problems effectively. And that’s an important life skill! Homeschool fosters strong family bonds as you learn and explore together. I, myself, wouldn’t trade that for sending my children away from home 5 days a week.
Most Importantly Have Fun
As you take these first steps, remember that each family’s homeschooling journey is unique. Embrace the flexibility and freedom that homeschooling offers, and enjoy the process of guiding your child’s education in a way that aligns with your family’s values and aspirations.
Embarking on the homeschooling journey requires careful planning and consideration. By understanding state regulations, defining your goals, choosing a methodology, selecting a curriculum, and embracing the adventure, you’ll be well-prepared to provide your child with a rich and fulfilling education. Remember, homeschooling is not just an educational choice—it’s a lifestyle that offers unique opportunities for your family’s growth and development.
Talk to me
Have any questions? I am always open to talk about your goals, needs, questions and how I can help you.